After finishing his High School Certificate in 2010, Vincent dove into the world of everything involving motion picture. Undertaking a Bachelor of Media, majoring in Screen and Sound studies at the University of New South Wales (Graduated beginning of 2015). 

Vincent has interned for SBS, and worked for UrbanScreen, Three Point Films, and the University of New South Wales' production channel; UNSWTV. He has also been involved in running the Sydney Film Festival on Cockatoo Island in 2012, and the International Chinese Film Festival in 2014, performing as Program Director for its short film category.

During his studies, Vincent was awarded 1st prize for the UNSW's 2014 Projectiles Short Film Festival for the film; Host, which was his directing debut. 

In 2014 Vincent formed a small production company; Bon Dilly Productions with two of his peers from university. Within Bon Dilly, Vincent has taken on the role of director in which busied himself, with as well as operating as a freelance contractor to working on Australian television series', online mini-series and short films in roles spanning across all stages of production.

In 2016 Vincent began working full time for Australian Doctor Group, as their head of video and multimedia content creation. Within this role, Vincent has balanced the combined responsibilities of directing untrained talent, producing and overseeing all internal and external productions from start to finish, performing as in-house videographer, editor and motion graphic designer. Currently he is still in this role, as it keeps him busy throughout the week, although Vincent relishes the opportunity to jump into the odd short film on a weeknight or weekend to continue his involvement in creative development. 
